Batalla Boxing - Designed By Boxers For Boxers
Batalla Boxing - Designed By Boxers For Boxers

A Guide to Cleaning Your Hand Wraps

by | Nov 21, 2020 | Articles

A Guide to Cleaning Your Hand Wraps

As we like to say here at Batalla, look after your hands and they will look after you. Well, the same goes for your gear. Don’t waste hours of your hard work in the gym or (probably) lots of money spent on your boxing gear by not taking the required amount of care. Following our guide to cleaning your equipment and you can keep your focus to learing in the ring!

“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” – Muhammad Ali

Handwrap Cleaning

To get the best out of your Batalla Hand Wraps and to protect your hands and wrists while also absorbing the sweat that you generate, it is important to wear clean, dry hand wraps. To get the most out of your wraps, though, you cannot let them sit in your gym bag, wet and unwashed, after you leave the gym. Unpleasant odors are just the tip of what you’ll start to run into. And no one wants to start a workout with wraps that are still damp from the last training session. 

The biggest step in properly taking care of your handwraps is to just take the wraps out of your bag and hang them up, so they can dry out. This will help guard against funky smells and mold buildup. After every few sessions, you’ll want to stick them in the washing machine to get them thoroughly cleaned up. Here are some suggestions on getting the best results from the next wash cycle:

  • Put each wrap in a small mesh bag or pillowcase to prevent tangling.
  • Since the colors of the wraps may bleed, wash them by themselves.
  • Hang up instead of using a dryer. While most wraps can go in the dryer, many boxers believe they’ll get more shelf life out of wraps that are hung to dry instead.

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